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Recognized by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) in Y Category.
Journal Name : Wah Academia (Journal of Social Sciences)
Languages: English
e-ISSN: 2958-8731
p-ISSN: 2958-8723
Publication Frequency: Biannual
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Seema Gull
Audience: Researchers in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences
Review Type: Double Blind Peer Review
Publisher: Wah Academia
Wah Academia (SMC- Pvt) Ltd
Wah Academia Journal of Social Sciences is a widescale research plateform of Wah Academia (SMC-Pvt) Ltd, a leading publisher of academic journals and books, dedicated to advancing knowledge and education in the social sciences and related disciplines.
Address: CB - 458, Lane 9, Nishtar Road, Lalazar, Wah Cantt. 47044