Wah Academia Journal of Social Sciences https://wahacademia.com/index.php/Journal <p class="font8"><span class="wixui-rich-texttext">Wah Academia Journal of Social Sciences is a fruit of untiring work and efforts of Wah Academia (SMC-Private) Limited. Recently established this organization conceived a concept of providing a research platform to the new aspiring researchers. Their novel researches are displayed in an elegant style to the world.</span></p> <p class="font8"><span class="wixui-rich-texttext">Our research platform mainly allows researches upon Social Sciences i.e. the disciplines of Economics, Education, English (Literature and Linguistics), Sociology (Anthropology), Gender Studies, Religious Studies, Psychology, Media and International Relations. With these our scope allows business studies too.</span></p> <p class="font8"><span class="wixui-rich-texttext">As the world is changing its dimensions so fast, research has become an indispensable factor to pace with the changing times. Globally research and researchers have acquired accolades for their contributions. But to our utter dismay, the rising researchers are not given the opportunities they deserve. With this idea in mind Wah Academia (SMC-Private) Limited decided to provide an easy access to the new researchers to a platform where they can publish their work with pride and move forward with the dynamic world.</span></p> <p class="font8"><span class="wixui-rich-texttext">Hence Wah Academia Journal of Social Sciences at your disposal. Welcome to this world - no Utopia - A real horizon of success. CHEERS!!!</span></p> Wah Academia en-US Wah Academia Journal of Social Sciences 2958-8723 <p><strong>Copyright and Licensing</strong><br /><strong>Publication is open access</strong><br /><strong>Creative Commons Attribution License - CC BY- 4.0</strong><br /><strong>Copyrights: The author retains unrestricted copyrights and publishing rights</strong></p> Media Effects on Public Policy: A Longitudinal Study of Agenda-Setting and Policy Change https://wahacademia.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/38 <p>The longitudinal nature of this study allows delving into the intricacies of media dynamicsspecifically, the interplay between media dynamics, agenda-setting processes, and policy evolution within the domain of public policy. By conducting an extended analysis over the course of several years, this research seeks to deconstruct the puzzle of media influence and explore the underlying mechanisms that drive media effects on policy agendas and, ultimately, the policy change itself. Employing a rich dataset that covers both media effects and an extensive timeline of policy development, the authors use advanced analytical tools to explore the complex relationship between the effect of media dynamics and the agendasetting processes and policy outcomes. Popularize the discourse patterns in media dynamic data over time and relate them to policy change patterns and agenda change dynamics, this research extends our knowledge of how media rearrange the landscape of public policy. Overall, the results of this study have shown that media narratives have a profound impact on policy agendas. Therefore, the media can direct public attention to particular policy issues and influence the policy priorities of national government agencies. Additionally, the evidence presented in this paper clearly illustrates the agenda-setting procedures are constantly shifting. Thus, policy agendas change in response to the evolution of media narratives and policy discourses. In conclusion, these findings provide an exceptional overview for policymakers, media professionals, and researchers who want to gain insight into the growing complexity of the media’s role in policy transformations in modern democracies.</p> Jonathan Holdings1 Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 3 01 1 17 The Influence of Digital Media on Contemporary Narratives: A Comparative Analysis of Print and Online Fiction https://wahacademia.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/39 <p>The development of narrative forms in the digital age cannot be understood aside from the development of digital media. The current research aims to explore the impact of digital media on the narratives of the present time. By using a comparative approach to the traditional print fiction and online fiction, this project aims to explore the transformation of narratives under the influence of digital platforming. Specifically utilizing the findings of literary studies, media studies, and digital humanities, this research attempts to make connections between the interpretation of literary texts, reader response theory, and the usage of literary narrative in the new digitally based language of social media. A comprehensive comparative analysis of various narrative components related to plot, character, and narration within print and online fiction has been conducted to produce this research. Through the critical examination of literary traditions that extend from historical print to emerging digital forms of publication, the affordances of digital media that have allowed for advances in narrative structure and reader engagement through immersion are rendered clear. Additionally, the research examines digital media’s influence on the reader’s reception and interaction with fiction. For example, the comprehension of how online fiction subcultures and other forms of multidirectional media interaction, such as social networking, have altered the dynamics of consuming authorship and the nature of producing fiction has changed.</p> <p>The results of the present comparative analysis provide exciting perspectives on how digital media altered modern storytelling. In particular, this form of analysis highlights that the impact of digital fictional practice seems to identify the myth of the author, text, and the conventions of story construction. At the same time, the research is expected to help outline what nuances are crucial for understanding the relationship between technology andstorytelling. Thus, by bringing attention to the literary-based aspects of digital media, this study contributes to theoretical approaches to the subject and can be of high importance to scholars in the field of literature, media, and technology.</p> Faisal Feroze1 Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 3 01 18 39 Exploring the Dynamics of Gender Inequality in the Workplace: A Sociological Perspective https://wahacademia.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/40 <p>The current paper explores the complex sociological dimensions of gender inequality in the modern workplace. Drawing upon a range of relevant research and literature, the document examines the multiple levels at which gender disparities manifest and contribute to unequal outcomes for men and women in organizational environments. Various structural, cultural, and individual influences are considered to uncover the specific mechanisms that determine disparities and inequalities in treatment and opportunities between genders. This examination is sensitive to the influence of policy, norms, biases, and history in these processes. Additionally, the report investigates the direct effects of such inequalities on individuals, organizations, and society and the relevance of these findings to discourse and interventions promoting inclusive, equal workplaces. Ultimately, the study suggests that strategic intervention, policy change, and cultural evolution are vital to reducing gender inequalities across the workforce.</p> Anand Jai Kumar1 Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 3 01 40 56 Representation of Colorism in Pakistani Dramas: A Critical Discourse Analysis https://wahacademia.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/42 <p>This research gives an insight into discrimination based on color in Pakistani drama serials. The current study is limited to the analysis of the drama serial Parizaad aired in 2021. It employs Norman Fairclough’s three-dimensional model to explore the connection that lies between different social practices and language. The analysis is delimited to the third dimension which deals with discourse as social practice as theoretical framework for this research. It meticulously unfolds associated prejudices and biases with light and dark skin tones depicted in the dialogues. The study explores particular language, words and strange attitudes of society aimed at the dark-skinned person. This study decodes the main thematic concerns of Parizaad drama highlights the social fabrication of colorism. It is revealed that colorism is deeply rooted in cultural and traditional values. The subject matter deals with the experience of a dark-skinned person through multiple angles, encapsulating multiple points of view. This study also puts an effort to display the social psyche of the central dark-toned character Parizaad. The main findings yielded by this research refer to the utilization of language as a means of exploring the underlying ideology behind Colorism. Within the context of the drama series entitled Parizaad, media discourse thoughtfully addresses the issue of color-based discrimination. The success of Parizaad at the end of the drama challenges the social fabrication. Parizaad gives a powerful message of self-empowerment and self-worth which possesses a positive impact on the society.</p> Dua Batool Nayab Sabar Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 3 01 68 87 Exploring the Evolution of Female Empowerment: A Study of Gender Dynamics in Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God https://wahacademia.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/43 <p>This research scholar article employs a post-structuralist feminist framework by Judith Butler to critically analyze the evolving portrayal of women's roles in Hurston's seminal novel, "Their Eyes Were Watching God" (1937); through a deconstructive theory, the study explores how Janie Crawford, the central character, evolves from a state of imposed silence to a position of empowered self-expression. The analysis delves into the complex interplay of power, identity, and behavior received by societal norms that shape Janie's transformative journey. By scrutinizing the intersections of race, class, and gender, this research illuminates the intricate dynamics of female agency within a patriarchal context. Furthermore, it highlights Hurston's adept use of language and narrative techniques to challenge and reconceptualize conventional gender norms. This examination not only deepens our comprehension of the text but also contributes to broader discussions on the contingency of gender roles within both literature and society. Ultimately, this study contends that "Their Eyes Were Watching God" stands as a compelling testament to the potential for women to transcend stifling norms and find their voices amidst societal constraints.</p> Amara Faheem Nadia Iftikhar Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 3 01 88 113 The impact of skin aesthetic appeal on human cognition and emotional responses: A Psychoanalytical Study of Skin Aesthetic Language Patterns https://wahacademia.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/44 <p>The nature of human beings is that no one wants to die, no one wants to be poor and no one wants to be ugly. For the purpose skin aesthetic clinics are a new and promising solution to getting more people to transform them. Appearance becomes the vessel of enslaving body parts according to society’s norms of beauty. The illusion created and imposed by aesthetic clinics on which a human mind gets played to the extent of having various skin treatments. As a human mind we are attracted to that new treatment. The love to look younger, beautiful and get healthy skin. This study aims to explore the language which is used to attract the consumers and the effect of that language on human psychology. To fulfill this aim, the study has been conducted by using mix method study. For a quantitative analysis a survey has been conducted to analyze its impact on human behavior. The results show that the common appeals found in every aesthetic clinic promise are to get “treatments to enhance your appearance.” According to the results of survey conducted, the mentioned line has a significant impact on human psychology. As in results, 75% of women were attracted to get clinical treatments after reading aesthetic clinic claims. Thirty-two percent women got their treatments done, while 60% women felt more insecure about their looks. People being insecure get expensive skin treatments to meet others’ expectations. While for qualitative analysis six clinic profiles were studied and attractive key words were analyzed which trigger a human mind to get more such treatments. As per the promises of the clinic, it repairs damaged skin with problems like “acne, moles, skin laxity, wrinkles, etc.” These claims attract the man to get facial or aesthetic treatments to look younger, beautiful, and attractive. However, it leaves a sense of discomfort and insecurity about their new improvised looks.</p> Areej Abid Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 3 01 114 123 Skin Problems as the Language of Skin: A Dermatolinguistic Study https://wahacademia.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/45 <p>Dermato-linguistics is a new emerging concept which includes combination of two terms studying different aspects of human body. Derma relates to skin and linguistics relates to language and communication. To communicate we need some sort of language for which Skin has its own language. Skin language is just like a sign language that communicates about our health, lifestyle and psychological situation but this language is not in form of words or sentences. Through symptoms like acne, scars, excessive hair on body, dull skin, wrinkles and other skin conditions skin communicates that there is something wrong with the internal body and it is important to treat it. Usually, people do not understand this language by their own they seek help from dermatologist who can comprehend this nonverbal language. Skin and language both play crucial role in our interactions with the world. Damaged skin makes a person feel under confident and such person becomes less expressive and starts to hesitate to interact with people and communicate which impacts personality as well as verbal language. The purpose of this study is to create awareness about skin language and help to understand how our skin communicates non- verbally and effects our interactions with others. This research is a qualitative study. A survey was conducted and students from different departments were asked question about their knowledge of skin language and its effect on interaction with other people. The results showed that most of the people who are having any skin issue are unable to understand language of their own skin and sometimes they hesitate to talk about it which results lack of confidence to interact socially or even consult a doctor.</p> Maahum Tariq Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 3 01 124 130 Exploring Skin Related Identity Crisis in Ali Standish’s ‘How to Disappear Completely’ https://wahacademia.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/46 <p>This study aims to analyze the intricate portrayal of skin conditions and their effect on the identity of the main character of Ali Standish's novel, How to Disappear Completely. This study is also a lens through which one may think about how literature charts the course of human life, while simultaneously questioning and reforming society. Despite being an evident societal issue in discussion, contrary to its implementation towards reforming the societal norms is absent. Employing a rigorous and immersive literary analysis, this study has focused on the narrative fabric that embarks on a journey to decipher the multidimensional themes of stigma, self-acceptance, and societal prejudice that are masterfully interwoven into the narrative tapestry. The characterization of the protagonist, emphasis on the issues faced by the protagonist through the use of narrative techniques and the use of symbolism and imagery set the parameters for this research’s methodological process. The research findings, stemming from this meticulous exploration of text, exemplify the immense potential of literature as a catalyst for empathy and awareness. The language provides deep insight into the difficulties of people dealing with skin problems through submerging its readers in the protagonist’s environment. The study serves as a testament to the power of storytelling, offering a platform for those whose stories have often been marginalized or misunderstood. In essence, this study is significant to challenge and disrupt the prevailing narratives around skin conditions, identity, and societal attitudes. Viewing How to Disappear Completely through the perspectives of stigma, self-acceptance, and societal prejudice, the story becomes a symbol of optimism and comprehension.</p> Rida Sajjad1 Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 3 01 131 141 A Cross-Cultural Exploration of Cultural Influences on Emotional Expression and Regulation https://wahacademia.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/47 <p>Overall, the study’s objective was to study the complex mosaic of emotional expression and regulation in terms of cultures with the aim to highlight the profound impact of cultural factors on these essentials of human life. The study covered various differences in emotional expressions, including facial expressions, speech and nonspeech patterns, and other subtle cultural differences that may affect the approach to displaying emotions, employing a complete cross-cultural frame. Moreover, the study also examined the role of culture in the area of emotional regulation or the extent to which varied cultural values, expectations, and rules determine different strategies for dealing with one’s own emotion. This research is multi-faceted as it involves a wide range of participants and strategies to measure the multitude of nuances of emotional experience across cultures. These discoveries offer intriguing knowledge about how cultural influences patterns of emotional expressions and understanding of how culture regulates them. In conclusion, the paper covered methodological issues centered on the problems and limitations of cross-cultural research. The results have implications for cross-cultural psychology and provide valuable data on universal and culture-dependent characteristics of emotional processes. Moreover, this research adds to the general field of emotional regulation by providing practice and suggesting interventions that account for cultural peculiarities of emotional processes. This study provided a comprehensive understanding of how culture shapes the field of emotional expression and regulation, allowing for future research in the interplay of culture and emotions.</p> Hao Ruining Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 3 01 142 158 Impact of Geo-cultural Dynamics on Chinese OBOR Initiative and Australia's Responses https://wahacademia.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/49 <p>The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), sometimes known as the "New Silk Road," is a revolutionary geopolitical project initiated by China that will have a significant impact on world politics, economy, and culture. In the framework of the OBOR Silk Roads Project, this study examines the geo-cultural power struggle inside the BRI, concentrating on China's ambitions and Australia's replies. China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) encompasses cultural diplomacy, soft power, and economic influence in addition to infrastructure construction. China expands its worldwide reach, forges stronger cultural ties, and crafts narratives by drawing on its historical legacy. Australia responds by asserting its cultural and diplomatic endeavours and establishing itself as a major regional and international player thanks to its diverse multicultural identity and democratic values. The paper explores the various facets of Australia and China's geo-cultural power struggle inside the BRI. It looks at the ways in which both countries use cultural tactics to increase influence, form partnerships, and safeguard their interests. The study also explores the competition's ramifications, including how it may affect opinions of neighbouring countries, global governance, and regional stability. The research combines qualitative and quantitative methods, including case studies, interviews, and content analysis, using a multidisciplinary approach that draws from international relations, cultural studies, diplomacy, and political science to provide a thorough analysis of the geo-cultural dynamics at play. In order to evolve global geopolitics, policymakers, academics, and stakeholders must comprehend this geo-cultural power competition within the BRI. The study intends to provide important insights into the future of international relations in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond by shedding light on the tactics, difficulties, and ramifications of this competition.&nbsp;</p> M.S. Farooq1 , Hao Ruining2 , Min Song3 , Ren Xiang4 , and Li Jingjie5 Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 01 159 180