Dehumanization of Refugees: A Postcolonial EcoCritical Study of Mohsin Hamid’s Exit West


  • Iqra Malik Govt. Girls Elementary School, Rehmat Pura, Lahore - Pakistan
  • Hafiz Muhammad Usman Dar Lecturer, English Language Center, Minhaj University, Lahore, Punjab - Pakistan
  • Farman Arif Lecturer, Lahore Leads University, Lahore, Punjab - Pakistan


Mohisn Hamid, Pakistani Anglophone Literature, dehumanization, refugees, environmental crisis, postcolonial ecocriticism


This paper explores Mohsin Hamid’s literary representation of dehumanization of refugees in the age of globalization, the exploitation of humans and their land, as well as the impact of migration on the lives of the migrants in his novel Exit West. The research uses the theoretical framework of postcolonial ecocriticism by Huggan and Tiffin to critically analyze the primary text. This research employs qualitative method to draw parallels between the exploitation of humans and their environment in Hamid’s novel while exploring the dehumanized treatment of refugees, reasons of migration, and the role of war, science and technology in the destruction of environment in this particular narrative. Textual analysis, more specifically, content analysis is used as a method to link the global humanitarian and environmental crisis in the primary text under the Postcolonial Eco-critical ideology.




How to Cite

Iqra Malik, Hafiz Muhammad Usman Dar, & Farman Arif. (2022). Dehumanization of Refugees: A Postcolonial EcoCritical Study of Mohsin Hamid’s Exit West. Wah Academia Journal of Social Sciences, 1(01), 66–76. Retrieved from